Hand me that hammer, would’ya? A request that sounds so normal should be enough to send shivers down your spine in the post-pandemic workplace.
What the Law Requires
OHS laws require you to take reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of your workers and prevent known hazards. And at this moment in time, no hazard is better known or more dreaded than COVID-19 infection.What’s the Danger
A touch of the hand is enough to spread the virus that causes COVID-19. Consider this simple scenario:Birth of an Infection
- Carey, a worker who’s carrying the virus but doesn’t know it, picks up a hammer; […]
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New Safety Talks
New Safety Talks
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:55-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:40-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:20:41-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:10:38-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
Upcoming Events & Webinars
TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:53:28-07:00
Dec 4 – Strategic Mindset Shift: Paving the Way for OHS Success in 2025 (Part 1)
TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:49:59-07:00