Improve the efficiency of your safety training by 800% while reducing accidents, incidents and costs by more than 45% with the SafetyNow method - find out how...
Your employees are focused on doing their jobs. Of course they want to do their job safely, but they also have productivity metrics and other drivers that are sometimes in a passive conflict with a safety mindset. There is a better way to train employees, and SafetyNow has built a process for instructor-led safety training that has been shown time and time again to reduce accidents & incidents by an average of 47%, while also reducing liability premiums and other costs. FIND OUT MORE...
ü  Chest discomfort (pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain, burning or heaviness)

ü  Discomfort in neck, jaw, shoulder, arms, back

ü  Shortness of breath

ü  Sweating

ü  Nausea

ü  Light-headedness

FACE is it drooping?

ARMS can you raise them?

SPEECH is it slurred or jumbled?

TIME to call 9-1-1 right away!


Final Word

Heart disease is often called the silent killer. Don’t let it sneak up on you. Take steps towards a healthier lifestyle and show your heart some love!
