Lyme disease is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. This bacterium is carried by certain ticks, and spreads to the host when the tick bites. The bacterium is normally found in small animals such as mice, squirrels, chipmunks, shrews, etc. Lyme disease in humans can have a range of effects from rashes and flu-like symptoms to more serious symptoms including arthritic, cardiac and neurological effects. It can often be effectively treated, especially if detected in the early stages. Lyme disease is an occupational concern for people who work outdoors. Any person who spends time outdoors is also at risk. In […]This content is for BHHC Safety Center policy holders.
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New Safety Talks
New Safety Talks
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:55-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:40-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:20:41-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:10:38-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
Upcoming Events & Webinars
TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:53:28-07:00
Dec 4 – Strategic Mindset Shift: Paving the Way for OHS Success in 2025 (Part 1)
TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:49:59-07:00