What is histoplasmosis and what causes it?
Histoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by a fungus called Histoplasma capsulatum. The infection usually affects the lungs and symptoms can vary greatly. It can sometimes affect other parts of the body, including the eyes, liver, central nervous system, skin, or adrenal glands. For example, "ocular histoplasmosis syndrome" (also known as "presumed ocular histoplasmosis") is a condition that results in impaired vision (affects the eyes). Having a weakened immune system increases your risk for getting this disease (e.g., the very young, very old, or those with medical conditions that lower the […]This content is for BHHC Safety Center policy holders.
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New Safety Talks
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:55-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:40-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:20:41-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:10:38-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
Upcoming Events & Webinars
TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:53:28-07:00
Dec 4 – Strategic Mindset Shift: Paving the Way for OHS Success in 2025 (Part 1)
TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:49:59-07:00