What is bursitis?
Inflammation of the bursa is known as bursitis. A bursa is a small sac containing fluid that lies between bones and other body parts such as tendons and muscles. A bursa allows a tendon to move smoothly over a bone by acting as an anti-friction device and shielding tendons from rubbing against bones. Bursae are found in the foot, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder and wrist. If the tendons become thickened and bumpy from excessive use, the bursa is subjected to increased friction and may become inflamed.Where are the symptoms?
The main symptom of bursitis is pain and swelling in […]This content is for BHHC Safety Center policy holders.
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Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
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Dec 4 – Strategic Mindset Shift: Paving the Way for OHS Success in 2025 (Part 1)
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