What is avian influenza?
Influenza, commonly called "the flu", is a contagious disease caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract including nose, throat, and lungs. Many varieties of influenza viruses exist. Some viruses infect only humans, others only birds, pigs or dogs. Some can infect more than one mammal (called "cross species"). In birds, this disease is called avian influenza or the "bird flu". Avian influenza has been around for over 100 years. It was first reported as "fowl plague" in 1878 when it caused a lot of deaths in chickens in Italy. Avian flu can affect the respiratory, gastro-intestinal, reproductive or […]This content is for BHHC Safety Center policy holders.
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New Safety Talks
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:55-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-11T15:01:40-07:00
Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:20:41-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
Oleksandr Adrianov2024-10-09T14:10:38-07:00
Pesticides and Food Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
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TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:53:28-07:00
Dec 4 – Strategic Mindset Shift: Paving the Way for OHS Success in 2025 (Part 1)
TIna Tsonis2024-10-16T15:49:59-07:00