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Produce Safety: Restaurant Safety Meeting Kit
WHAT’S AT STAKE Produce safety in a restaurant starts with sourcing high-quality fruits and vegetables from reputable suppliers. The produce should be inspected upon arrival, and any damaged or contaminated items […]
FavoriteLadder Safety for Municipalities Meeting Kit
WHAT’S AT STAKE Ladder safety refers to the practices and procedures that are put in place to prevent injuries and accidents when working with ladders. Ladder safety for municipalities involves implementing […]
FavoriteLoad Securement – Web Belts Meeting Kit – Spanish
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Las bandas de sujeción de cargas están diseñadas para asegurar las cargas durante el transporte proporcionando un sistema de sujeción fiable y duradero. Estas bandas están fabricadas […]
FavoriteProtect Yourself Against UV Radiation Meeting Kit
WHAT’S AT STAKE ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is similar to visible light in all physical aspects, except that it does not enable us to see things. The light that enables us […]
FavoriteTrenching and Shoring Meeting Kit – Spanish
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Las zanjas de construcción para servicios públicos enterrados, tuberías, transporte de agua y otras actividades pueden ser peligrosas. Las zanjas suelen ser más profundas que anchas, y […]
FavoriteTrenching and Shoring Meeting Kit
WHAT’S AT STAKE Construction trenching for buried utilities, pipelines, water transport, and other activities may be hazardous. Trenches are usually deeper than they are wide, and the walls may become unstable […]
FavoriteUnderground Mine Safety Alerts Meeting Kit – Spanish
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Cualquiera que trabaje bajo tierra en la extracción de minerales duros como el oro, la plata, el hierro, el cobre, el zinc, el níquel, el estaño y […]
FavoriteUnderground Mine Safety Alerts Meeting Kit
WHAT’S AT STAKE Anyone working underground to mine hard minerals such as ore containing gold, silver, iron, copper, zinc, nickel, tin, and lead may be exposed to many hazards. The same […]
FavoriteTrenching Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Una zanja es un canal estrecho (de hasta 15 pies de ancho), generalmente más profundo que ancho, hecho bajo la superficie del suelo. Una excavación es cualquier […]
FavoriteTrenching Safety Meeting Kit
WHAT’S AT STAKE A trench is a narrow channel (up to 15 feet wide), generally deeper than it is wide, made below the surface of the ground. An excavation is any […]