Worker Drinks Acid By Mistake – And Dies

A Gatorade bottle on the worksite should have nothing else in it but Gatorade or water. But unfortunately for 53-year-old metalworker Frank Gabossi, the Gatorade bottle he drank from recently contained a corrosive liquid used to age metal.

Gabossi, from Rifle, CO, died two days after accidentally drinking the blue liquid, which contained selenous acid. He thought it was an energy drink at a Pitkin County jobsite where he and a colleague were working on a metal staircase.

Police report that Gabossi ingested a small amount of the toxic liquid before realizing what it was. His co-worker immediately rushed him to hospital, but Gabossi later died.

Selenous acid is a severe irritant that can burn the skin and eyes. It can also be fatal if swallowed. While working with this chemical, employees should wear safety glasses and gloves. Good ventilation is also recommended.

As with all chemicals, selenous acid should be stored in approved containers or drums that are properly labeled.