Veteran Lumberman Takes Fatal Shortcut

A worker filling a lumber order was fatally crushed when a beam fell on him, causing multiple traumatic injuries to his abdomen and pelvis.

The victim, a man with 15 years experience with this employer, was using a forklift to retrieve a 60-foot (18-meter) laminated beam from beneath two larger beams that weighed about 3,000 pounds (1,360 kilograms) each when the accident occurred. He should have pulled the two large beams and stacked them elsewhere before pulling the beam he needed. However, he took a fatal shortcut and attempted to pull the shorter beam out from underneath the larger beams.

Co-workers heard the man’s screams and found him conscious with one end of the beam resting on top of him. Paramedics responded quickly and transported him to the hospital where he died after undergoing emergency surgery.

The investigator recommended that:

  • Employees receive training regarding the hazards related to loading and unloading stacks of lumber.
  • The company’s safety program be evaluated to incorporate training that emphasizes the importance of identifying and controlling hazards.
  • Employees work in pairs when retrieving lumber from under a stack.