Teamwork in Construction Activities Stats and Facts


Major Hazards on Construction Sites

  1. Construction involves buildings going up and coming down, as well as excavations and the building of trenches.
  2. When working practices are disorganized and rushed, such as undertaking electrical work in wet conditions or using non-professionals to complete electrical work, electricity presents additional hazards.
  3. Failure to use PPE correctly or using damaged or inadequate PPE can mean that workers are exposed to harmful materials such as asbestos and long-term risk from dust particles (emanating from plaster, brick, stone).
  4. Unexpected collapse also means exposure to harmful materials whilst the repeated handling and use of toxic substances such as adhesives, solvents, paints and other corrosive chemical solutions presents risk.
  5. Sudden loud volume can be hazardous for workers, but it’s also exposure to long-term, repetitive sounds such as drills and compressors which can lead to short- or long-term problems, including hearing loss.


Fatal Construction Industry Statistics

  1. 1 in 5 deaths among U.S. workers is in the construction industry. [OSHA]
  2. Of the 42 annual crane-related deaths, around 60% involve a falling object. [BLS]
  3. A total of 1,008 construction workers died on the job in 2020. [BLS]
  4. Each year, 10.2 of every 100,000 construction workers suffer a fatal injury.
  5. Falls account for 34% of all construction deaths — eliminating falls saves 300 lives per year.
  6. The “Fatal Four” leading causes of construction deaths (falls, struck by equipment, caught in between objects and electrocutions) account for over 60% of all construction-related deaths. [OSHA]

Non-Fatal Construction Injuries

  1. Each year, 1.1% of construction workers suffer an injury serious enough that they miss work. [BLS]
  2. The construction industry accounts for 6% of all injuries that result in lost days of work. [BLS]
  3.  More than 25% of construction workers indicate that they have failed to report a work-related injury. [CPWR]
  4. In 2020, there were 174,100 cases of injuries in the construction sector. [BLS]