Picture This: Four Reasons Inspections are Important

You probably looked at these pictures and immediately knew what was wrong and why each situation was unsafe. Unfortuntely, the hazards you face each day aren’t laid out neatly in front of you and they aren’t always easily identifiable. This can be especially true for young workers and workers who lack experience at a job or performing a task.

That’s where regular and frequent workplace inspections come in. Workplace inspections are designed to uncover hazards, the obvious and not so obvious kind. Whether it’s a formal monthly inspection done by the safety committee or a group of managers and employees, a weekly walk-through by supervisors, or daily checks done by employees and supervisors – inspections uncover hazards and potential hazards.

Most employers are required to have an inspection program and process in place. This requirement might fall under a specific piece of legislation or it might be covered under due diligence or the general duty clause.

Your safety depends on workplace inspections and the corrective actions that should be taking place.

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