Personal Protection Against Workplace Violence Stats and Facts


Workplace Violence

  1. Environmental Factors. This can include a lack of security systems, unmonitored entrances, areas that are poorly lit, and spaces that might be difficult to escape from in an emergency.
  2. Clinical Factors. Workplace violence is common among healthcare workers because they need to work with patients who are under the influence of drugs or medication, that make them more prone to lashing out in violent ways.
  3. Opportunity. Cab drivers, food delivery drivers, and cashiers at fast food restaurants or other retail establishments, can be easy targets for robbers since these types of workers carry some amount of cash.
  4. Employer Inaction. Employers have the power to help prevent violence in the workplace in multiple ways, including pre-employment screenings, watching for warning signs of violence, and quickly dealing with disgruntled employees/customers.


  • Around two million US workers experience workplace violence each year.
  • An alarming 30,000 workplace sexual assaults happen to women each year.
  • Co-workers commit 21% of all assaults that end in homicide at work.
  • Workplace assaults result in $121 billion in losses annually.
  • 27% of all mass shootings have occurred in the workplace.
  • 16% of all workplace fatalities are due to workplace violence
  • Violence has had a major impact on the workplace, accounting for about 9 percent of all workplace fatalities, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The National Safety Council reports that 17% of workplace deaths were the result of violence.
  • It is estimated that 25 % of workplace violence goes unreported.