NHTSA Sample Distracted Driving Employer Policy

In order to increase employee safety and eliminate unnecessary risks behind the wheel, [Company Name] has enacted a Distracted Driving Policy, effective [Date]. We are committed to ending the epidemic of distracted driving, and have created the following rules, which apply to any employee operating a company vehicle or using a company-issued cell phone while operating a personal vehicle:

  • Company employees may not use a hand-held cell phone while operating a vehicle – whether the vehicle is in motion or stopped at a traffic light. This includes, but is not limited to, answering or making phone calls, engaging in phone conversations, and reading or responding to emails, instant messages, and text messages.
  • If company employees need to use their phones, they must pull over safely to the side of the road or another safe location.
  • Additionally, company employees are required to:
    • Turn cell phones off or put them on silent or vibrate before starting the car.
    • Consider modifying voice mail greetings to indicate that you are unavailable to answer calls or return messages while driving. Inform clients, associates, and business partners of this policy as an…