Falls on the Same Level Fatality Report

Buck Rockafellow worked as an ironworker at 22 years old. After a short 2 years of experience, he had a life-changing accident.

He was working on the third story of a building. His cousin, who was working on the same project, called him for lunch. Rockafellow started making his way around the building. He temporary unclipped his fall protection and took a small leap – about a foot and a half.

His footing slipped on the wet and oily surface. He fell 33 feet.

Rockafellow broke 18 bones, collapsed a lung, broke his pelvic bone in 3 places, and dislocated 3 fingers. Miraculously, Buck survived. Even more miraculously, he walked again.

Most workers that fall from such great heights aren’t so lucky. Wearing fall protection properly, no matter how uncomfortable or heavy, would have prevented this accident.