Doing Work Tasks Wrong the First Time Meeting Kit

Doing Work Tasks Wrong the First Time Safety Talk

Doing work wrong for the first time is one scenario that often results in unnecessary exposure to hazards. Whoever has to go back and re do the work that has been done incorrect by the first time around, even if the work has been safely, will be put at risk for injury just by the fact that additional work has to be performed.


It is important to stop work anytime you have questions about the task you are about to complete or in the process of completing when unsure. Doing work incorrectly will result in a loss of production as well as put individuals at unnecessary risk to redo the work. A simple wrong decision can lead to injury.

The following are reasons why work is not done correctly the first or second time around.

  • Insufficient knowledge
  • Lack of training
  • Laziness
  • Complacency
  • Improper instructions
  • Hesitancy to ask question
  • Inexperience
  • Wrong materials or tools
  • Change of plans


  • Additional training methods to incorporate, include mentoring by experienced workers; hosting apprentice programs; issuing clear, short, and concise written procedures; and providing worker practice time.
  • Develop, implement, and enforce a comprehensive written safety program for all workers which includes training in hazard recognition and the avoidance of unsafe conditions.
  • Workers should scrutinize potential employers regarding health and safety issues, looking for signs that their new employer takes safety seriously and follows the procedures and guidelines suggested.
  • Remind your workers that they need to report accidents, near misses, and/or unsafe areas, as soon as they notice them. They shouldn’t wait for someone else to do it. Instead, they should go directly to their manager and raise the issue.
  • Ask employees to go over any procedures or practices your guidelines focus on to see if they’re appropriate.
  • Let workers know that it’s also their job to look out for their own safety and that they can always ask for copies of any safety rules and procedures.


Issues arise when work tasks are done incorrectly, even in a safe manner the first time around. In construction or manufacturing that involves hazardous processes, the consequences and likelihood of injury greatly increase when work has to be redone. Realize the impact your decisions have for not only yourself but your coworkers as well.